Local Governing Board

Skipton Parish Church of England Primary School is a member of the Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust (YCST), a multi-academy trust based in Harrogate. The Board of Trustees of Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust is accountable in law for all decisions about its academies. You can learn more about the structure of the Trust, the trustees and their role on the Trust website. Click here for the relevant page. 

Although the Trust and its trustees are accountable in law for all decision about its academies, this does not mean that the Board is required to make all the decisions itself. Many decisions can and should be delegated to the local governing bodies. The Trust delegates a range of powers to the Skipton Parish Church of England Local Governing Board in a 'scheme of delegation'. This legal document can be read here.

The Local Governing Board for Skipton Parish Church of England Primary School collectively works to raise standards and support the overall development of all pupils. This involves providing a strategic view for the school, supporting recruitment and allocation of resources, acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher and the senior leadership team and ensuring accountability. 

Parish C of E Primary School is fortunate in having a dedicated and enthusiastic Local Governing Board.  This  is made up of Academy Governors, the incumbent of the Parish of Holy Trinity, Skipton, the Headteacher, a Staff Governor, two Parent Governors and a representative of the Trust Board. The following also attend local governing body meetings: the Deputy Headteacher and the Clerk.

The Chair of the Local Governing Board can be contacted via email to cofg@parish.ycst.co.uk

 The Local Governing Board Membership

Chair David Portlock
Vice Chair
Parish Governor Rev James Theodosius
Academy Governor Jayne Metcalfe
Academy Governor Rose Blair
Academy Governor Vacancy
Staff Governor Kathryn Booth
Parent Governor Vacancy
Parent Governor Annie Djavanroodi

Governor Attendance and Declarations of Interest 2022/3

Pecuniary interests declared by the Governing body.

 Mr D Portlock 

North Yorkshire County Council:

  • Member of the Audit Committee
  • Chair of North Yorkshire Local Pension Board
  • Member of North Yorkshire Pension Fund Committee

These roles are non-political, and I am appointed in an independent/lay capacity

Friends of Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty:

  • Trustee and Finance Director