
At Skipton Parish Church School we believe that e-safety is very important. At school children will learn about various ways in which to keep safe on-line through whole school information sessions, ICT/computing lessons, PSHE lessons, visits by police representatives, trips to Crucial Crew and in various other ways.

As parents you also play a key role in supporting you child's understanding about internet and e-safety.  There is a wealth of information available online however we would recommend two key websites which contain help and advice linked to a wide range of topics .  Click on the green links to access these websites.


ParentInfo is a collaboration between CEOP and Parent Zone.


Parent Zone was created in 2005 and has a record of providing information, support and advice  to parents.  More recently their work has focused on the impact of digital technologies on families..  They provide information, resources and training to parents and those who work with families.

CEOP is the child protection command of the National Crime Agency.  CEOP reaches over 5 million children and young people a year through it's 'ThinkUknow' education programme and regularly conveys it's vital online safety messages to over 145,000 practitioners.

Childnet International

The parents and carers section provides valuable advice.