Assessment at Our School

We continuously assess the children against the key concepts and knowledge they are developing during a lesson and adjust our planning accordingly as this enables us to ensure that we teach exactly what the children need. Sometimes, children will receive a pre-teach or post-teach session with their teacher or teaching assistant if they have struggled to grasp a particular concept.  For some subjects, children complete a cold task before any teaching has taken place and then a hot task after the unit has been completed to show the progress they have made.  We also use the cold task to identify where the children are and what they need to be taught.  This ensures that all children are suitably challenged with their learning.  Every half term, we monitor how the pupils are progressing and what we are doing to ensure that they remain on track to reach their targets.

For all areas of the curriculum we identify is pupils are:

Working above the expected standard for their age - greater depth 

Working at the the expected standard for their age

Working towards the expected standard for their age

Working below the expected standard for their age

Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Assessments of each child's attainment and progress are made continuously. Evidence such as photographs, pieces of work and observations of play all contribute to the judgements made.  Parents are encouraged to contribute to this process by sharing information about their child's learning and development via Tapestry. Senior leaders review progress for each child half termly.