Pupil Premium Grant
Click here to view the Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-24
The Pupil Premium is additional DfE funding for schools in England for pupils who are either in receipt of Free School Meals (£1,345) or are a Looked After Child (£2,345). Nationally these children can be vulnerable to lower attainment and the aim of the funding is to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. It is for schools to decide how Pupil Premium funding is spent according to the needs of their pupils.
At Skipton Parish we strive to ensure:
We provide quality first teaching and learning opportunities which meet the need of all our pupils.
We recognise that not all pupils who are registered for Free School Meals or who are Looked After children are disadvantaged.
Funding is allocated following analysis to identify priority areas. (See strategy statement).
Schools receive £1,345 for Free School Meals pupils in Reception to Y6 and £2,345 for any pupil identified as a Looked After Child in the October census. Looked after children are those children who have been adopted, subject to a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order) or who has been in local-authority care for 1 day or more.
Parents and Carers who think their child might qualify for Pupil Premium funding are asked to contact the headteacher for more information.