Mental Health and Wellbeing


At Parish we recognise that mental health is just as important as physical health. With this in mind we offer a vast array of support to children, staff and parents/guardians. As a church school we continue to thread our school values through the pastoral offering.

We are fully committed to supporting all our children to be the best they can be. We aim to nurture all our children to become independent, caring and responsible members of our wider community.

No issue is too small and if we are unable to help we will ensure that we signpost to the necessary external agencies such CAHMs, Early Help and/or SELFA.

Please find our mental health and wellbeing policy here:


Our pastoral team

SEMH specialist and Senior Mental Health Lead (DDSL): Miss Louise Marsden

Learning Mentor: Ms Catherine Ashworth

Headteacher and Inclusion Lead (DSL): Ms Lucy Peberdy

SENCO: Mrs Emma Potter

Mental Health Governor:Ms  Zoe Sharpe


How we support our children

Every member of staff at Parish is trained in supporting your child’s mental health needs on a day-to-day level. As we know some children will from time to time require additional support which is what the pastoral team are able to offer.


Wellbeing Champions and Mindfulness Mentors - At Parish we provide peer support from our Wellbeing Champions and Mindfulness Mentors. Both groups have been specifically trained to support children in their year groups with basic, low-level wellbeing concerns. They also act as champions on behalf of their fellow pupils.

SEMH Specialist – As part of her role Miss Marsden is the schools qualified Mental Health First Aider. She is able to support with a wide range of mental health and wellbeing issues. She is also able to signpost both children and parents to the necessary external agencies if required. She is also a trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) and able to offer 1:1 or small group support interventions.

Learning Mentor – Ms Ashworth is here to support children with their wellbeing needs providing nurture type interventions on both 1:1 and small group basis.

She is also there to support parents with a range of needs such as poor sleeping, healthy eating advice and helping parents to support with their child’s learning.


However, every member of our staffing team is trained in supporting your child’s mental health needs on a day-to-day level. As we know some children will from time to time require additional support which is what the pastoral team can offer.

Both the SEMH Specialist and Learning Mentor are available to meet with parents to discuss any concerns you may have around your child’s mental health and wellbeing.


Compass Phoenix

Compass Phoenix provide both school teams and parents/children with valuable support. This is a project funded by North Yorkshire County Council and is available for all children between the ages of 5-18.

Staff at Parish have been trained to level three standard with some staff also trained to level four.


Place 2 Be

Place 2 Be is a great source of information for schools and parents alike. The link below will take you through to a page that looks in great detail at a wide ranges of issues that may impact your child and/or your whole family.

Place2Be: Parenting Smart: Articles