Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

(Click above to view our EYFS Policy)


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We are an inclusive school for children from reception to year 6 (4-11).  Our diversity is our strength and we welcome all with an open heart.  We recognise and appreciate that for many of our families, Christian faith is important, whilst others have other faiths, and many have none.  As a Church of England school, we are led by the Christian faith.  Our Christian values, which were chosen by the whole school community, are reflected in everything that we do in order to bring the school’s vision to a reality.  They also align with the Fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for those of different faiths and beliefs.  Our pupils have chosen not to use the word tolerate, rather we embrace.

Our vision is to empower everyone in our community to be the best they can be through creating a love of learning and embracing our diversity through our Christian values. A significant proportion of our families face challenges that can become barriers to helping their children achieve their full potential. In our daily work we strive to live the golden rule as a community in which ‘we all treat each other as we would like to be treated’. We do not judge; we do not refuse. We welcome and support our learners with love and compassion as well as high expectation.

Your child starting school is a milestone in their life and marks the beginning of their journey with us. 

The team at Parish will always do everything we can to support your child to be the best they can be, as they grow and learn. Watch the slide show below to find out what it is like when your child joins our school.