
click here for the policy

We expect all pupils to follow our policy for school uniform. The uniform is black shoes (not trainers), grey trousers, shorts or skirts or green or yellow gingham dresses. Children wear green jumpers, green fleeces or cardigans over white polo shirts or white shirt. Children are permitted to wear a school tie in Key Stage 2 (with a shirt).


On PE days children wear their PE kit to schools. PE kit consists of trainers, black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and white t-shirts. On cold days children can wear their school jumpers as well or a green fleece.

Please make sure that all clothing is clearly labelled.

Uniform can be purchased from Skip 2 School in Skipton.

The school also has a small bank of 'new to you uniform'. Please contact the school for more information about this service.


Hair, jewellery and watches

For reasons of safeguarding, hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied back. Children with pierced ears must only wear studs and children must not wear jewellery. Children are permitted to wear a watch but it MUST NOT be a smart watch.